Watch 3 FREE Episodes of operations Excellence that NO ONE else is teaching! ($2997 Value • FREE)

Over 3 Episodes —Absolutely Free— We Are Going To Show You Everything You Need To Know To Level Up Your Business Operations.

Anyone running Operations for a business feels the mounting pressure of living up to your Visionary's expectations.  They are driving sales and they expect YOU to know HOW to deal with the new volume... 

But how do you keep up with your Visionary's big ideas

SO MANY Visionaries are full of exactly that...VISION.  The danger is, can the Operations Team keep up with the all of the "new" that comes from that vision?

That's where WE come in. There is a HUGE benefit to being "under the hood" of so many businesses in the space. It gives us a wealth of experience for you to learn from other businesses' successes and mistakes...

And we want to share that with YOU!

Ready To LEVEL UP Your Operations?

then you simply can't afford to miss

Each episode, we will…
  • Take you through a solid checklist to make sure nothing is missed...from automations strategy to customer experience process and a SOLID understanding of who on your team should be doing what. 
  • Give you a chance to ask questions to make sure you’re fully clear on the application for YOUR Team specifically. 
  • Offer you an opportunity to work with us moving forward so that you don’t have to go it alone.
Nothing sneaky, you don’t have to worry about the pitch, we're telling you what it is...
  • We want to work with you so we're giving you TONS of value upfront for FREE so that you’ll want to work with us.
  • Let the failures that other businesses have made SAVE YOU from going through the same painful mistakes.


I created the GAP Analysis Tool after dozens of conversations with business owners and operations leaders who were experiencing the same frustration of confusion and miscommunication.

They needed a simple tool that yielded clear, 
easy to interpret, metric results on what their team is spending all their time on.

And I am giving it to you FREE just by joining the 3-Episode Foundations That Scale Masterclass.
We only bring THE BEST for your Operations Experts Masterclass

Meet Your OPERATIONS Experts:


Savannah has worked through every tier of Big Box and small to mediums sized retail businesses. Her Experience Ranges from customer service, managing teams, organizing systems, setting up new software, and training in every aspect. She now leads the "People" part of the Collab Team as a Solutions Technician — Growing teams and introducing them to new software using proven systems and organization is Savannah's jam!


Not many people can say they helped grow a budding solopreneur into a multifaceted, 8-figure-earning online education platform. Aaron Hovivian did exactly that with Pete Vargas in 2018 and again with Pedro Adao in 2020 (and LOTS of 7-figure businesses since 2014 when he started the Collab Team). From team analysis, to EOS integrations, to building out roles and responsibilities/KPIs/key, tracking metrics, to running hybrid in-person/virtual events, Aaron has done all of this and more for online-based businesses of all sizes.


Terryn is "The Brain" behind the Collab Team. As Solutions Architect, Terryn has used efficient operations tactics to help expand companies like Advance Your Reach, 100X, Jon Acuff, and more.  Terryn has quickly become the gold standard in the industry for automation infrastructure and architecture.  Don't believe us?  Go ask any of the big names listed below and see what they have to say about Terryn, I dare you (FYI many of them call him T-money if that gives you any indication! ;))!


Besides Being Industry Leaders In Their Space...

 They've all implemented OUR Expertise to ensure they are set up for success...
"Everyone needs an Aaron. If you love what you have experienced from Advance Your Reach, Aaron and his team have had a direct hand in some part of it."

Pete Vargas

CEO/visionary - advance your reach
"Aaron and his Team have literally more than doubled the productivity of my internal team and movement. The frameworks the Collab Team set up have been monumental for us."

Pedro Adao

"I knew I had amazing ideas and EVERYONE loved what I had to share, but I needed infrastructure and systems so that I could make good on fulfilling what I promised. Aaron and the Collab Team are what keeps my business on track and moving forward every day. I cannot recommend anyone more highly. You need this guy."

Keith Yackey

"What amazes me about Aaron is that he and his team are always hustling with ideas and concepts, even with their workload. A huge part of the stabilization of this company, the structure, and the constant accountability is directly due to Aaron and his team. Bringing Collab on board was one of the best moves I ever made."

Wes Heyden


Still Thinking About It?

Watch The First Episode For FREE and see How these industry legends Increased Team Productivity & Their Sales From Our Methods...

Dear Mission-Driven Entrepreneur,

So many following the marketing gurus are discovering hundreds of ways to launch, grow, and scale.

Hearing things like:
"Create a lead magnet to grow your email list." 
"Build landing pages to get opt-ins."
"Do a webinar and make an offer at the end."
"Set up a sales funnel to increase sales online."
"Start a podcast."
"Post on 64 pieces of content on social media every day."

Any of those could work. But it is hard to do…

...unless you have deep pockets and can afford to hire experts in every area to craft the words, design, and implement it all for you.

If you’ve been following the gurus and trying to do all that stuff on your own -- be careful. You could end like one of the businesses that fail.  

Listen, I don’t want that to happen to you.

I want to see you succeed, build a legacy, create a movement that impacts the world.

That’s why I’m giving away my proven, time-tested, profitable challenge secrets for FREE to save your business from getting stuck in the guru-cyclone and to set you up for financial freedom and fulfillment.

I am 100% convinced there is no way we are just going back to business as usual when this pandemic is all over.

The world as we knew it is gone forever. And that should come as good news. Because I think if we are being honest, it really wasn't that great to begin with.

I believe the stage is now set... for us to go into a whole new world.

A better world...

A more efficient world...

A more honest world...

A more compassionate world...

A more connected world.

I believe it would be a huge mistake to sit around patiently waiting and hoping for your life and business will go back to what it was before the pandemic.
It would also be a big mistake to keep trying every marketing method those gurus tell you about.

Instead, let me show you how to crush it with challenges and build a movement-based business.

I’ll teach the very thing that has had the greatest impact on my life as a mission-driven entrepreneur...

Are you ready to learn the ways from The Challenge Guy?

If so, join me and tens of thousands of other mission-driven entrepreneurs in the Free 5-Day Crush It Masterclass starting on May 16th at 10am PT.

Click the button below and be sure to get registered right away, to ensure you don't miss this incredibly unique and powerful mentoring opportunity.

Don't waste this time of crisis.

Be catapulted out of this crisis with massive levels of clarity on the business and movement you already have inside of you.

I can't wait to see what happens once you give your YES to joining me in the 5-Day Crush It Masterclass.
In your service,

Pedro Adao

Pedro Adao
Be one of the tens of thousands of early-stage or elite entrepreneurs around the world that will go from frustrated and overwhelmed to finally launching and growing their business online successfully in 2022 with the power of challenges.
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